11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Southfield Park
Volleyball will be a 4v4 event where you and your teammates bump, set, and spike your way to victory against the other teams.
Event Format:
You'll play each team once. Each game you win, you get 5 Girl Games points. Each game you lose... 0 points.
Games are Rally Scoring, first to 21 win by 2, cap at 25.
Rock, Paper, Scissors to decide who serves first. Whoever wins Rock, Paper, Scissors gets to serve first.
Event Rules:
Your team gets 3 touches or hits to get the ball over the net.
The same person cannot hit the ball twice in a row unless they block a ball at the net that falls over to your side.
Blocks do not count as a touch.Receiving team calls balls in or out.
If the receiving team isn't sure, the ball is in.
If there is abuse of this rule, teams can call over volunteers to help monitor lines.