2:00 - 4:00 PM
Southfield Park
Spikeball is crazy fun. But this 2v2 event does take skill. Bump, set, and spike your way to victory.
Event Format:
Games are to 21, win by 2, cap at 25.
One round of Rock, Paper, Scissors will decide who serves first. The winner of Rock, Paper, Scissors gets to serve first.
Each game win = 5 Girl Games points.
Each game loss = 0 Girl Games points.
Event Rules:
Spikeball is being held at the same time as Pickleball. Each member of your team must play at least 1 spikeball game.
The server starts 7 feet from the net and must establish a pivot foot. One foot stays on the ground, the other foot can move, but no closer than 7 feet from the net.
Just like tennis, you get 1 fault on the serve. 2 faults results in the loss of a point.
Hitting the rim on the serve is a fault.
A pocket on the serve can either be played by the returning team or chosen as a fault by the returning team.
A serve that goes over the shoulder of the returner is a fault.You get three hits to spike a ball off a net.
Teammates must alternate touches.
If your team hits the rim during the point, your team loses that point.
A pocket during the point is a live ball and in play.Our good friends at Utah Roundnet help us out a lot and should be there to go over rules and give you some quick tips.